Some anxiety is hard to control.
Anxiety is one of the most common challenges that we all face every day of our lives. It can create fear and apprehension, making you feel mentally and physically stressed.
Feeling anxious is a normal emotion. Who doesn’t feel nervous interviewing for an important job or promotion or speaking in front of a large crowd? That’s anxiety.
At the same time, persistent anxiety is different because it can create negative thoughts and fears that interfere with nearly every aspect of our lives. Some people with this form of anxiety constantly feel on edge, worry about everything, and find it difficult to function.
Dealing with persistent anxiety is where therapy can help. If you feel anxious or are worried for no apparent reason, I can help you create some hands-on tools to become more relaxed whenever you sense the feelings coming your way.

My approach can help address your anxiety.
In our one-on-one sessions, I use several techniques of Psychoneurology to identify the root causes of your anxiety.
I also teach you specific techniques, such as different breathing methods and EFT/Emotional Freedom Technique, to overcome those anxious sensations rapidly.
Our methods of Psychoneurology will help you discover the causes of your anxiety, and when we change your neural pathways, those feelings will be permanently gone.

D. B.* had a fear of flying.
“When I met Dr. Noushin, I had just lost a very close friend at a very young age and had flown in from New York to Arizona. I have always had a fear of flying. I became extremely nauseous and anxious when she told me to imagine stepping into an airplane. But Dr. Noushin lovingly took me out of that terrible mood and started working on me with EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique).
By the end of the session, both of us were crying with laughter, and I was feeling extremely calm thinking about flying.
When I left Arizona, there was so much turbulence that I would have been extremely sick if I had not seen Dr. Noushin. I got home safe and sound and called her to thank her and give her the great news. Now I am flying back and forth to Brazil to see my family a few times a year. Thank you, Dr. Noushin, for making such a huge difference in my life so I can see my family more often and know how to deal with my anxieties.”
N. S.* felt anxious over a broken relationship.
“A week before my wedding, my fiancé broke up with me and called the wedding off. When I went to see Dr. Noushin, I couldn’t even stand thinking of or saying my ex-fiancé’s name, and thinking of suddenly seeing him would make me extremely anxious.
After she finished doing a technique of Psychoneurology on me, I felt so relaxed and grounded that I thought it was a temporary effect. I saw my ex-fiancé a few times in the weeks after our session, and it was as if he didn’t exist for me anymore. It’s been over a year since then, and I have been dating my future husband. My new boyfriend just proposed to me!”
Don’t let anxiety rule your life.
Therapy can help you control your anxiety and eventually get past those feelings of uncertainty and fear.
If you are quarreling with anxiety, I will be honored to support you in reaching the state of calm you deserve.
Give me a call for your free 20-minute consultation.
*Names and stories are composite narratives and do not reflect actual clients.