In-home therapy is helpful for you and your therapist.
As a Psychoneurologist, I found it helpful to conduct house calls in the Los Angeles area, distance permitting, in addition to seeing my clients in an office environment.
I offer to visit my clients in their homes or offices to ensure that they feel comfortable with the environment they wish to be in when we work together.
Working in person with clients in their households or offices gives me more insight into how they run their homes because I can spend time in their environment.
This approach is convenient for both of us while allowing us to connect in a setting familiar to the client.
Online therapy is another option.
Since I have the privilege of working with people around the globe, I offer Zoom sessions online. That way, I can record our session together and later share it with my client. If they don’t get a chance to take some needed notes, they will have the information and can also review what we did in the session to help them gain further insight and learning.
You need access to a computer or other WiFi device for our online work together. In addition, we need to see each other during these sessions.
A couch or bed is a good idea for trance work. You need a quiet space that provides a peaceful setting in the comfort of your surroundings.
Don’t worry about confidentiality because the site is HIPPA-compliant.
Working in your home has other advantages.
When we do the protocols of Psychoneurology, different elements in your environment can help anchor what we discuss and how you, the client, can succeed with treatment and care.
When we start with our processes, you will experience the familiar smells around your room, so there will be more reinforcement each time you pass by your couch, for example.
How would you like it if I came to you to discuss how I can assist you in addressing your concerns? There is no need to leave the comfort of your own home. I will come to you, either in person or on Zoom.
Call me to find out how I can support you now.