Yud Hey Breathing, Breathing of Ophanim. Calming and soothing breath based on the lunar system. Best done in the evening or before retiring at night.
Mother of standing letters on 2 legs, Nervous system’s connection to cardiovascular system. Represents our natural will to survive. Is an open posture for receiving enough oxygen throughout the body.
Day: Sunday Bet: Sitting Letter Organ: Liver Attribute: Love & Beginning
Day: Monday Gimel: Standing letter for Immune System Organ: Spleen Once the body has become internally viable with a healthy Liver (Sunday), it must learn to fight off any outside aggressor, which seeks to endanger its survival (Immune System)\ Attribute: Courage
Day: Tuesday Dalet = Standing Letter, Cardiovascular system corresponds to Organs: Heart and Lungs Cardiovascular system brings oxygen to all organ of the body Attribute:Truth
Day: Wednesday Kaf: Sitting Letter Organ: Kidneys Kidneys give advice to the heart and the whole body Attribute: Triumph
Day: Thursday Peh: Sitting Letter Organ: Digestive System, Stomach, Colon Attribute: Praise
Day: Friday Resh: One-Footed Standing Letter Organ: Reproductive System Attribute: Foundation
Seventh day is the day of rest and holds the rest of the week together.
Short intro to Morning Kundalini Exercise. The Breath of Fire should not be done vigorously if the woman is on their cycle or is pregnant.